Representatives of Turkmenistan participated in a press conference on the protection of intellectual property rights

Representatives of Turkmenistan participated in a press conference on the protection of intellectual property rights

The representatives of Turkmenistan participated in a press conference following the April meeting of the Administrative Council of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO), held in online-format at the TASS press center.

As informs the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, the heads of the Organization and the heads of patent offices of the EAPO member states: the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan participated in the event.

They spoke about the results of the work of the regional system for the protection of intellectual rights, the activities of national patent offices and the prospects for the development of the EAPO.

Turkmenistan has been the participants of the Eurasian Patent Convention since August 12, 1995. The State Service for Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan is a specialized unit in the field of legal protection of intellectual property.

The legislative base for the protection of intellectual property is the Constitution, the Civil Code, and the laws of Turkmenistan: “On the legal protection of invention”, “On the legal protection of industrial designs”, “On trademarks”, “On appellations of origin”, “On the legal protection of algorithms, programs for electronic computers, databases and topologies of integrated circuits”, “On the legal protection of selection achievements”, “On copyright and related rights”.

The specialists of civil service carry out such activities as: receiving and examining applications, issuing decisions and documents protection, registering in the state register of protected objects of intellectual property of license agreements and agreements on the transfer of rights to patents and trademarks, changes in the name and address of their owners, and also the publication in official bulletins of information about issued documents protection, changes in the legal status of their owner, registered contracts, canceled documents protection and other.

Intellectual property (patents for inventions, industrial designs and other objects) in the era of digital transformation is becoming one of the most significant economic assets, the most important development resource and a tool for protecting one’s rights when entering new markets.

The regional system for the protection of intellectual property rights, which is administered by the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO), permits using a single Eurasian patent to quickly, conveniently and cost-effectively protect your interests in eight states at once, informs the source.

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