Rehearsals of the festivities ahead of Independence Day (video)

From 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. central streets of Ashgabat are cordoned off.

Correspondents of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” report that public sector employees march and rehearse musical performances ahead of celebrations of Independence Day.

For senior graders and students rehearsals are held at the stadium of Dagdan, located near the railroad station and for this reason numerous police squadrons and people in civilian clothes with portable radio sets patrol the streets from Magtymguly avenue to the stadium.

From 6.30 to 8.30 a.m. students rehearse at the stadium, from 9 a.m. to 11a.m. schoolchildren and from 2 to 4 p.m. musical and dance performances are prepared.

Because of rehearsals senior graders are exempt from attending school.

You can go to school after rehearsals if you want to or you cannot. There will be no admonitions from teachers, a student of the secondary school said.

The employees of organizations and companies are marching on the streets. In this connection from 3 to 7 p.m. Bitarap Turkmenistan avenue near the Presidential palace, Khudayberdyeva, Podvoyskogo, Sovetskaya streets and partially Mollanepes and Alisher Navoi streets are cordoned off. No traffic is allowed to run along Turkmenbashi avenue and Shevchenko street.

“Chronicles of Turkmenistan” has previously reported that ordinary residents are negatively affected by rehearsals, with even healthcare practitioners being mobilized into, who have limited working hours for patient appointments.

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