Prodkorporatsiya to Increase Grain Supplies to Afghanistan Via Turkmenistan

Prodkorporatsiya to Increase Grain Supplies to Afghanistan Via Turkmenistan

Kazakhstan's state-owned company, Prodkorporatsiya, plans to boost grain exports to western regions of Afghanistan by utilizing transit routes through Turkmenistan.

According to Turkmenistan’s official media on Saturday, Kazakhstan’s grain export potential is estimated at 12 million tons. Prodkorporatsiya aims to sign the first contracts for grain deliveries to Afghanistan at the Kazakhstan-Afghanistan Forum in Almaty at the end of October. Negotiations are ongoing regarding the terms of the deals, including pricing.

To expedite exports and expand into new markets, the company is proposing partial subsidies for transportation costs.

Currently, discussions include grain shipments to Egypt, increasing volumes to Afghanistan, and exporting corn to Iran.

Founded in 1995, Prodkorporatsiya is a state operator in Kazakhstan's grain market and manages reserve grain stocks.

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