PRESS RELEASE: Should Turkmenistan enter WorldSkills, the world championship of vocational skills?

PRESS RELEASE: Should Turkmenistan enter WorldSkills, the world championship of vocational skills?

March 19, 2020 | Category : NewsSorry, this entry is only available in English.For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language.You may click the link to switch the active language.21 January 2020PRESS RELEASE:Should Turkmenistan enter WorldSkills, the world championship of vocational skills?ASHGABAT, TURKMENISTAN.

This is the question asked during a workshop on 22 and 23 January 2020 at the Construction College Ashgabat.One hundred forty principals, administrative staff and teachers from the country’s 42 TVET participate in the event, implemented by the project.It is the first mission to Turkmenistan for the Senior Non-Key experts Dita Traidäs, President of the Worldskills Europe Governing Board and Normunds Grinbergs, Chairman of the Latvian Builders Association.

They inform about the current state of affairs of the biannual world championship of vocational skills and highlight the pros and cons of participation, using the example of Latvia, a new EU member state.Currently, Turkmenistan evaluates its options to participate in the prestigious and competitive global competition that might be a catalyst for modernisation of its TVET system and adapting to international standards.

On 21 January, the Ministry of Education organised a national competition in four skills: bricklaying, textile, ICT, cooking, and electric installation.Ms Traidäs and Mr Grinbergs highly appreciated the efforts.

They mentioned that the way to WorldSkills is demanding but a very inspiring goal.It requests the joint efforts of government, schools and the youngsters themselves.The competition today demonstrated that there is a lot of good will to raise the benchmarks of excellence in teaching and learning.Ms Traidäs and Mr Grinbergs will present their findings and recommendations to the senior management of the Ministry of Education on 24 January.

The results will be published on the project’s website.Tags: International Cooperation, WroldSkills, TVET modernisation strategyBackgroundThe EU engagements in Turkmenistan focus on strengthening resilience, increasing prosperity and promoting regional cooperation.

As part of ongoing efforts, the third education project “Supporting the Education Sector in Turkmenistan” continues to support the Turkmen Government in creating a modern education system that meets international educational standards and labour market needs.The project runs for 48 months, from October 2016 to September 2020.

Two components comprise more than 30 activities, from capacity building to platform development, from curriculum updating to career guidance.If you have any questions, please contact the project office (e-mail: or the project assistant Gulistan Bekniyazova (Mob: +99 365 807024).

Project website:

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