PRESS RELEASE: Seventh Project Steering Committee Meeting EU Education Project

PRESS RELEASE: Seventh Project Steering Committee Meeting EU Education Project

April 23, 2020 | Category : NewsSorry, this entry is only available in English and Russian.For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language.

You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language.Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.On 23 April 2020, the project “Support to the Education Sector in Turkmenistan” held its seventh and final meeting of the Project Steering Committee as a video conference, attended by Ms Silvia Pietropaolo from the EU Delegation in Kazakhstan, Mr Dimitris Bakolas from European Profiles, Greece, and others.

The Chairman of the Committee, Mr Bayram Bashimov, highlighted the necessity and practicability of digital forms of cooperation, which are entirely in line with the current priorities of Turkmenistan’s government, the needs of the educational community, and the trends in decision-making in the post-19th century.

The project’s team leader, Mr Stefan Siewert, reported on 13 main events with 512 participants and 1,887 participant days during the last six months, ranging from study trips and training courses to the introduction of digital literacy to capacity development at the National Institute of Education of Turkmenistan.

The analysis highlighted that the implementation approach has a high correlation between effort and impact and takes strategic implications into account.The portfolio of activities included low-cost and potentially high-impact activities, such as advising Turkmenistan in its considerations to join the World Skills Movement.In presenting the outlook for the remainder of the project, Mr Siewert presented his arguments for extending the activities until the end of the year and continuing the current implementation trajectory based on the experience and insights gained over the past 3.5 years.

The focus should be on capacity building at the National Institute of Education, the in-service training of up to 650 VET teachers in digital literacy and the management of a portfolio of curriculum development and further teacher training in VET institutions.

The Committee approved the seventh Project Progress Report and the proposed strategy to finalise the project’s activities until the end of 2020.Tags: EU Delegation, Project Steering Committee, StrategyBackgroundThe EU engagements in Turkmenistan focus on strengthening resilience, increasing prosperity and promoting regional cooperation.

As part of ongoing efforts, the third education project “Supporting the Education Sector in Turkmenistan” continues to support the Turkmen Government in creating a modern education system that meets international educational standards and labour market needs.The project runs for 48 months, from October 2016 to September 2020.

Two components comprise more than 30 activities, from capacity building to platform development, from curriculum updating to career guidance.Contact detailsIf you have any questions, please contact the project office at or the project assistant, Ms Gulistan Bekniyazova, at +99 365 807024.

Project website:

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