President of Turkmenistan Receives Pakistan's Industry and Production Minister

President of Turkmenistan Receives Pakistan's Industry and Production Minister

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Pakistan's Federal Minister of Industries and Production Rana Tanveer Hussain in Ashgabat on Tuesday, according to official media of Turkmenistan.

Expressing confidence that the visit from the representative of the brotherly country would give new impetus to the longstanding bilateral cooperation, the Head of State emphasized Turkmenistan’s commitment to strengthening productive relations with Pakistan.

The meeting highlighted the constructive nature of the Turkmen-Pakistani political-diplomatic dialogue, which continues to advance within international organizations. Key areas of cooperation include industry, energy, and the transportation system.

The discussion underscored the active participation of both countries in the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) transnational gas pipeline, as well as power transmission lines and fiber optic communication lines along the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan (TAP) route.

These major projects are expected to contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of the entire region, its successful integration into the global economy, and the strengthening of regional peace and stability.

At the end of the meeting, President Berdimuhamedov and Minister Hussain expressed confidence that intergovernmental cooperation would continue to develop dynamically, enriched with new concrete content.

National Leader of the Turkmen people and Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also met with Minister Hussain. They discussed the prospects for further development of traditionally friendly intergovernmental relations.

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