In accordance with the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov:
Aydogdyev Muhammetmyrat Hodjalyevich was appointed as the Director General of the Garlyk ore dressing and processing complex of the Turkmenhimiya State Concern;
Agamyradov Purli Nurmammedovich was appointed as the Chairman of the Extraordinary Commission of Turkmenistan responsible for preventing communication of diseases;
Abdyeva Bahargul was released from her position as the Head of the Culture Department due to a transfer to another appointment;
Enermyradov Ovezmyrat Islamovich was released from his position as the Head of the Agricultural Department of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan due to a transfer to another appointment;
Hamraev Rustam Djorakulyevich was released from his position as the Director General of the Garlyk ore dressing and processing complex of the Turkmenhimiya State Concern;
Tachdjanova Halbibi Tachmuradovna was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social protection of the population of Turkmenistan;
Deputy Chairman of the Turkmenstandartlary Main State Service Klychev Byashim Hemraevich was released from his position as the Acting Chairman of the Turkmenstandartlary Main State Service;
Nuryev Orazberdy Gurbanberdievich was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Construction and Architecture;
Akmammedov Mammet Velmammedovich was appointed as the Deputy Minister of the Railway Transport of Turkmenistan;
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Industry for economic and financial issues Myradov Amanmuhammet Atageldievich was released from his position as the Acting Minister of Agriculture and Water Industry.