Yesterday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in the northern part of the white marble capital to get acquainted with issues related to the construction of a large residential complex Ashgabat City.
Upon arrival, the head of state focused on the condition of the soil at the construction site of the Ashgabat City complex, as well as on the natural features of the area, noting that the most important requirement of the time is the preservation of environmental well-being not only in the capital and its environs, but also in all regions of the country.
This is one of the main conditions for the preparation of projects and the construction of facilities.Here, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the projects and drawings of the different purpose objects’ placement.
The head of the Directorate of Objects under Construction of Ashgabat-city of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture Sh.Durdylyev presented projects and sketches with views of buildings, drawings of their locations for consideration by the head of state.
Among them are the Master Plan for the development of this residential complex, street schemes, as well as projects of high-rise buildings.The head of state was demonstrated sketches and drawings of remote operation of smart apartment equipment, in particular, automated control, regulation of water supply and gas supply, as well as various smart city systems, including the provision of information about electronic vehicles.
During the report, Sh.Durdylyev informed the head of state about the announcement of an international tender for the Ashgabat City project implementation.Minister of Construction and Architecture G.Orunov presented to the head of state the drawings of the building of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction on Gurbansoltan eje Street.
As it was reported, the project was prepared by students of this university.After reviewing the drafts, the leader of the nation made several constructive comments and made a number of amendments.
Noting that when preparing them, modern trends and achievements of world experience should be taken into account, the head of state assigned the Minister to revise the projects, readjusting them taking into account the comments made.
Then the khyakim of Ashgabat, R.Gandymov, reported on the state of engineering drainage and sewerage systems, as well as on measures to reduce the groundwater level in the city and the upcoming work on the construction of new systems, presenting the head of state drawings of their laying sites.
Khyakim also reported on the state of affairs on the construction of new residential buildings and other facilities in the Parakhat-7 microdistrict and presented the projects proposed for the construction of residential buildings.
Cabinet Deputy Chairman Ch.Purchekov presented street modernization projects to the head of state, as well as drawings of stops, lights and road signs along this avenue.Then the head of state held a working meeting here.
As the leader of the nation noted, currently the white marble Ashgabat, recognized as the Pearl of Asia, has become one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities in the world.
In order to ensure a high level of construction of this residential complex, called Ashgabat City, a special Interdepartmental commission has been established and its composition has been approved.
To control the ongoing work in the new residential complex, the Ministry of Construction and Architecture has created a Directorate of Objects under Construction.President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also said that a special portal Ashgabat City has been created and launched for the citizens of the country who want to express their opinions related to the construction of this kind of residential complex.
According to the preliminary draft of the Ashgabat City Master Plan, which will become a new city in the capital, it is planned to erect over 200 high-rise, namely, 12-35-storey structures on the territory of the complex.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused the attention of the audience on the need to use the latest smart technologies in this work, as well as providing each building and facility with digital equipment and the introduction of a high-tech digitalization system.
During the working meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, first of all, heard reports on the work carried out by the heads, specialists of the services of the hyakimlik of the city of Ashgabat and relevant structures.
The reports render detailed information about the architectural features of the main city of the country, the activities carried out to prepare projects for various purpose buildings and its main directions.
Then the rector of the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction P.Orazov reported on the work executed, who informed that, on behalf of the head of state, the necessary architects, designers, builders are currently being trained at the supervised university, and measures are being taken to update the curricula in accordance with the requirements of modern standards.
Then the Minister of Industry and Construction B.Annamammedov reported on the large-scale work on the production of necessary materials for the construction industry from local raw materials, scientific study of the ore resources of the Turkmen land.
The leader of the nation noted that it is necessary to pay great attention to the quality and durability of building materials produced from local raw materials, to fulfill the tasks set in this regard on a comprehensive basis.
Minister of Construction and Architecture G.Orunov reported on the carried out work on the construction of cultural and social facilities in various parts of the country, the active introduction of world best practices, as well as the development of international cooperation in this area.
Then the khyakim of Ashgabat, R.Gandymov, reported on the work executed, the interaction of relevant structures to ensure the cleanliness and improvement of the capital in the spirit of the times.
Speaking about the need to achieve exemplary indicators of the work carried out in the white marble capital, the head of state emphasized the priority of the proper functioning of urban infrastructure, the introduction of innovative technologies and advanced achievements, as well as ensuring coordinated activities of city services and gave appropriate instructions.
Head of the Directorate of Objects under Construction of Ashgabat City of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture Sh.Durdylyev noted in his report that much attention is paid for solving problems related to the comprehensive scientific research of the territory of a new residential complex, the use of high-tech systems during its construction, as well as the study of world practice in this sphere.
Focusing on the low pace of work carried out in preparation for the construction of a new residential complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed dissatisfaction with the activities of the head of the Directorate of Objects under construction for the delays in their organization and strictly demanded to correct this situation.
Then the Cabinet Deputy Chairman Ch .Purchekov reported on the state of affairs in the country’s construction industry, the building work plan scheduled for 2022, and ways to fulfill the tasks outlined in it.
As reported, the recommendations of the leader of the nation and modern practice will guide in achieving the goals set.Having focused on the importance of the tasks facing the country’s construction and industrial complex, the head of state noted the existence of enormous opportunities for their successful solution.
In general, Ashgabat, according to its high status, should be exemplary in everything.It concerns the improvement of the city, the creation of favorable conditions in it, as well as its digital implementation, design and ecology, the head of state said.
Noting that we all face great challenges in further intensification of development and comprehensive improvement of the main city of the sovereign Motherland, the leader of the nation expressed confidence that Ashgabat will turn into an exemplary center for the whole world, where prosperity and prosperity reign.
Summing up the working meeting and wishing its participants good health, family well-being and great success in their noble activities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the venue.