The state information agency TDH reports that the President of Turkmenistan has dismissed deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper Edebiýat we sungat (Literature and art) Myratdurdy Kaibov.
Ogulmaysa Allaberdieva was appointed a new deputy editor-in-chief.
The reasons behind the dismissal have not been announced.
It should be emphasized that pursuant to the law of Turkmenistan “On mass media”, the editorial board is headed by the editor-in-chief (depending on the form of a media outlet the job title can vary), who performs his duties pursuant to the law, the charter of the editorial office and the agreement between the founder and the editorial board.
The editor-in-chief is appointed and relieved from his post by the founder of a media outlet or elected and relieved from his post pursuant to the procedure envisaged by the charter of the editorial board.
Turkmenistan’s Ministry of Culture is the founder of the newspaper.
According to lawyers, the President of Turkmenistan has no right to interfere in the editorial policy and appoint and dismiss both an editor-in-chief of a news outlet as well as other staff members.
Despite this, on a regular basis the head of the state dismisses and appoints editors-in-chief of local media outlets or their deputies.