Passports were presented to new citizens of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat

Passports were presented to new citizens of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat

Today, the State Migration Service of Turkmenistan held a solemn ceremony of presenting passports to persons granted citizenship of the country, reports the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

According to the Presidential Decree, signed on September 22, 1,301 people representing 32 nationalities received Turkmen citizenship. In addition, 265 individuals, citizens of 13 states and representatives of 25 nationalities, were issued residence permits in the country.

Persons who received Turkmenistan citizenship expressed gratitude to the President for his attention to the problems of stateless people and the creation of conditions for their prosperous life.

Turkmenistan demonstrates effective practice of legislative regulation and implementation of international obligations in the field of migration, including addressing issues of providing social protection and equal opportunities to stateless persons, stateless persons and migrants.

In accordance with the Constitution of Turkmenistan, a person is recognized as the highest value of society and the state. On the basis of national legislation and international law, a lot of work is being done to protect and guarantee the rights, freedoms and interests of all people living in the country.

Over the years, 29 697 people living in the country and not citizens of any state have been granted citizenship of Turkmenistan. To date, 4 753 foreign citizens and stateless persons have received permission to reside in the country.

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