OSCE consults Turkmenistan on judicial issues

OSCE consults Turkmenistan on judicial issues

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Dec. 16

By Huseyn Hasanov Trend:

International standards and best practices on the independence of the judiciary in the context of criminal justice are the focus of an OSCE-supported series of three two-day seminars that started in Dashoguz on December 15, 2017 and will be continued in Mary until December 18, according to the press release of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat.

The concluding seminar will be held in January 2018 in Ashgabat.

Two seminars will bring together some 60 judges, prosecutors, advocates and representatives of law enforcement agencies and state institutions from the Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary provinces of Turkmenistan.

After the introductory presentations on the international standards related to the independence of the judiciary and due process, an international expert from the United Kingdom will provide insights on core concepts and elements of judicial independence.

He will also introduce participants to the international human rights instruments referring to the independence of the judiciary and fair trial rights with an emphasis on the role of judges, prosecutors, advocates and law enforcement officials in the criminal justice context.

A representative of the OSCE Office on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) will highlight the OSCE Kyiv Recommendations on Judicial Independence in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia. These were developed by ODIHR to provide possible solutions and good practices for bringing the relevant national legislations of the OSCE participating States in line with international standards.

“The principle of judicial independence is a key OSCE human dimension commitment and finding the right balance between ensuring effective justice systems while preserving the independence of the judiciary is not an easy task for any of OSCE participating States, regardless of their history or the type of justice system in place,” said Ambassador Natalya Drozd, head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat. “Competent, impartial and independent courts are crucial for guaranteeing the right to a fair trial for everyone.”

The events are funded by the British Embassy in Ashgabat as part of the project “Introducing International Standards of Independence of Judiciary in the Criminal Justice System in Turkmenistan”.

The project is part of the Embassy`s long-standing support to the OSCE activities aimed at increasing the awareness about international standards related to the independence of the judiciary and due process with a particular focus on criminal justice.

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