Origin and evolution of the Universe

Origin and evolution of the Universe

The book with such a sound name was published six years ago. But the ideas contained in it were cherished and sought confirmation for several decades.

An author Odek Akchayevich Odekov.Academician, Doctor of Science, geologist and geophysicist, seismologist.A person who seems to know everything about what is happening in the Earth’s crust.

The one who, based on the analysis of tectonic processes, began to predict earthquakes.He is not only a physicist, but also a lyricist his poems got good feedback.

But this book is about something else.

… A human has been looking at the stars for centuries. They seem close to him close at hand! like twinkles, tacks on the empyrean. Afterwards it comes the realization that the stars all except one are very far away from us. And the development of astronomy allows us to realize how much.

The speed of light on Earth is perceived abstractly.After all, light spreads immediately.This is true worldwide.But from the Moon the light goes for a second and a quarter, from the Sun more than 8 minutes!

And in the universe, distances are measured in light-years.One light-year is approximately 9.5 trillion kilometers.This is the distance that light travels per 1 year.

…So, the nearest star to the Solar system Proxima Centauri (proxima, lat. the closest) is located from us at a distance of 4.22 light-years. The journey to it on a modern rocket would take tens of thousands of years!

The Milky Way Galaxy, which includes the Solar System, according to the latest data, consists of 200 billion stars and has a diameter of 100 thousand light-years! But this is not the only (and not the largest) galaxy in the surrounding space.

Scientists around the world are building various theories and hypotheses in search of answers to questions about the origin and development of the universe.

Until recently, the theory of the expanding universe dominated the scientific community.

Its essence is that at the beginning of time, about 13.7 billion years ago, there was a Big Bang, after which substance of the highest density and temperature began to fly away from the epicenter in all directions, forming on the way to interstellar matter, stars, galaxies, etc.

This and half a dozen other similar theories contain a lot of blind-spots and assumptions. How can they explain the very appearance of stars, if the particles of initial matter are moving away from each other? Mysterious objects like quasars and black holes also don’t fit well in the ever-expanding universe.

Academician O. Odekov has been observing and analyzing the processes in the Earth’s body for many years. The movement of the lithosphere, the divergence and convergence of continental plates, the accumulated upon that exertion, their discharge causing earthquakes, the propagation of longitudinal and transverse seismic waves all this amount of knowledge eventually led to a qualitative leap.

The scientist transferred the regularities of tectonic fluctuations to processes occurring on a much larger scale. He was able to draw parallels between seismic waves in the Earth’s crust and gravitational disturbances in the universe.

Developing this idea, applying old facts to it and relying on new discoveries in astronomy, Odek Akchayevich created his own theory of the origin and evolution of the universe.

One of its main points is that the Universe is formed by the processes of both expansion (anti-gravity, repulsion) and contraction (gravity, attraction). This brings to the doctrine of the Universe evolution a dualism which earlier theories came short of.

The presence of the compression process, along with expansion, explains the formation of stars from interstellar gas, and galaxies from individual stars, and their collision, and the appearance of superdense objects in vacuum (neutron stars, black holes).

According to the new theory, the Universe is still mostly expanding, but the compression processes are gaining strength. After some time, according to the academician’s forecast, the Universe will begin to shrink, while maintaining the expansion processes in part of space. It is not long to wait for this turning-point just 1.7 billion years.

In another part of his work, the author describes the evolution of galaxies. The original shape of galaxies is the so-called “wrong” galaxy there is no strongly marked core, space is filled with interstellar matter.

Then a core is formed in the galaxy, the stars are twisted into spirals (“spiral” galaxies) or disks (“lenticular” galaxies).

This evolution is also explained in the framework of the new theory as a result of the impact of compressive forces.

Balancing the expansion- compression forces eventually leads to a uniform, spherical shape (“spherical” galaxies).

The scheme of galaxy evolution was named Hubble’s tuning fork after a famous astronomer. It covers 95% of the galaxies discovered so far, and about 50% of them are spiral.

Based on the percentage of galaxy types in the Universe, the author predicts that the formation of the last stage spherical galaxies will take about 54 billion years.

By cosmic standards, our Earth is a speck of dust in the Universe.Homo sapiens is the unique one, no matter how much we want to meet “like Brainchildren”.

But again and again there are people striving to penetrate the depths of the atom and embrace scope of the Universe, being able to dip into the future and go back to the beginning of time.

Precisely such is the author of the General Theory of the Universe Origin and Evolution, our contemporary and fellow countryman O.A.Odekov.

Gaji Rajabov

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