Organizers of the car rally in Turkmenistan “hope for President Berdymukhammedov’s participation in the rally”

The state information agency TDH reports that a press conference devoted to preparations for the car rally “Amul-Khazar” scheduled to be held in Turkmenistan from 9 to 14 September, was held on 5 August in Ashgabat.

First, commercials featuring the forthcoming car race, including Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov as a participant, were shown to media representatives.

Then the former racing driver, CEO and organizer of the rally “Africa Eco Race”

Jean-Louis Schlesser answered the questions.

One of the journalists asked whether President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, who judging by the footage is an experienced driver, would participate in the car race.

“I hope the President will be take part in the race. This will make me very happy. Needless to say, it is up to the President to make a decision but we would be very happy”, — Schlesser responded.

When asked what renowned racing drivers will take part in the racing event Schlesser responded that “President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov might become one of the most renowned driver at the forthcoming car race, which we are hoping for”.

Let us recall that in July 2018 during the visit to Tatarstan President Berdymukhammedov confirmed his participation in the car rally.

During the dialogue with the President of Tatarstan someone from the audience announced that the President will personally take part in the race.President Berdymukhammedov did not refute this information.

However, he avoided disclosing which car he will drive.

In February 2018 Jean-Louis Schlesser presented the car rally vehicle to President Berdymukhammedov which the head of the state had immediately tested;

In June 2018 President Berdymukhammedov designed, assembled and tested the car rally vehicle based on his own drawings;

In July the President of Turkmenistan personally tested a new rally vehicle on the final section of the race track on Khazar peninsular and won the race leaving a professional race driver from the Motorsport Centre under Turkmenistan’s Interior Ministry behind.

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