New rice crop milling

New rice crop milling

A large modern rice milling enterprise located in S.Turkmenbashi etrap of Dashoguz velayat started milling of the new rice crop.This year the rice growers of the north region of Turkmenistan again successfully fulfilled the year pearl grain harvesting plan.

From eight thousand and one hundred hectares of rice plantations they gathered over 35 thousand ton of rice.The workflow management at high level contributed to the harvest campaign success, where many specialized machineries were operated, including highly efficient combines John Deere and CLAAS.

The main producers of the crop in the north region traditionally are two large specialized farms of Saparmurat Turkmenbashi etrap, which successfully grow more tolerable for local soil and climatic conditions its high yielding and disease-resistant varieties Müňbaşy, Nöküs-2, Аlenga and Bereketli.

For example, only in the daykhan association S.А.Nyýazow four thousand seven hundred and fifty hectares of land was allocated among rice crop.The Dashoguz velayat us one of the largest rice growers in the country.

The state created all necessary conditions for the successful rice production, including the complete production cycle comprising production of the high quality семенного материала, sowing, harvesting, storage and processing into final product.

The branch has a significant fleet of the modern specialized machinery, more advanced crop cultivation methods are implemented in production, based on the sound use of land and water resources.

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