New Heads of Administration Appointed in Several Districts of Turkmenistan

New Heads of Administration Appointed in Several Districts of Turkmenistan

Rustam Narkulyevich Jumayev has been appointed as the hyakim of Charjev district in Lebap province.

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Astangul Kullyevich Seyidov has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Charjev district in Lebap province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.

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Yazmyrat Gurbandurdyevich Charyev has been appointed as the hyakim of Murgap district in Mary province.

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Agamyrat Berdimyradovich Agamyradov has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Murgap district in Mary province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.

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Muhammetdurdy Rakhmatullayevich Mamiyev has been appointed as the hyakim of Yoloten district in Mary province, being relieved of his duties as the deputy hyakim of Yoloten district in Mary province.

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Mukhammetmyrat Tagandurdyevich Goshayev has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Yoloten district in Mary province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.

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Maksat Kakabayevich Amanmyradov has been appointed as the hyakim of Mary district in Mary province, being relieved of his duties as the deputy hyakim of Mary district in Mary Province.

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Saparmyrat Ashyrovich Gylyjov has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Mary district in Mary province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.

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Archyn Japardurdiyevich Yegendurdiyev has been appointed as the hyakim of Esenguly district in Balkan province.

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Serdar Torayevich Khojayev has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Esenguly district in Balkan province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.

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Guvanchmyrat Orazmyradovich Yazmyradov has been appointed as the hyakim of Tejen district in Ahal province, being relieved of his duties as the deputy hyakim of Tejen district in Ahal province.

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Guvanchmyrat Kakalyevich Baygeldiyev has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Tejen district in Ahal province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.

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Serdar Orazmyradovich Atayev has been appointed as the hyakim of Kaka district in Ahal province, being relieved of his duties as the deputy chairman of the State Committee for Water Management of Turkmenistan.

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Perhat Annagurbanovich Orazov has been relieved of his duties as the hyakim of Kaka District in Ahal province for failing to fulfill his responsibilities.

Source: TDH

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