Multi-indicator cluster survey of households completed in Turkmenistan

Multi-indicator cluster survey of households completed in Turkmenistan

The multi-indicator cluster survey MICS7 was successfully conducted in Turkmenistan. The event was held by the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Statistics with the support of UNICEF and UNFPA, reports the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

The survey has visited a total of 6 800 households since January this year. The last point in this survey was the village of Charshangy in the Koytendag etrap of Lebap velayat.

The next stage will be data processing. Preliminary results are expected to be published in the third quarter of 2024.

The MICS7 surveys measured key indicators that track progress towards national goals and global commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).To ensure the quality of data collection, as well as to provide recommendations and advice to MICS teams, regular monitoring visits were carried out in all regions and cities with the participation of representatives of the State Committee of Turkmenistan on Statistics and the Regional and Country Offices of UNICEF.

Household members in Turkmenistan, including women and men, actively participated in the survey and shared the necessary information. As the source notes, UNICEF and its partners express gratitude to all households that took part in the survey for their active participation, friendly attitude and cooperation.

As UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan Mohammad Fayazi notes, MICS7 in Turkmenistan has expanded content and includes information on all members of the household.

“UNICEF is committed to ensuring that MICS7 continues to play a leading role in developing policies and programs to improve the lives of children and families around the world, and in monitoring progress towards achieving the SDGs,” Fayazi said.

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