Mulberry farmers of Turkmenistan are increasing silkworm production

Mulberry farmers of Turkmenistan are increasing silkworm production

In the Dashoguz velayat of Turkmenistan, the area of mulberry plantations continues to expand and the number of farmers engaged in silkworm breeding is growing. Thousands of tenants this year have entered into contracts for the supply of raw materials for the country's textile industry, reports the MIC.

Today, mulberry plantations in the region occupy more than 2 thousand hectares. Dashoguz velayat has all the necessary conditions for the successful development of sericulture, including the presence of dozens of specialized hatcheries. This year it is planned to harvest 500 tons of silkworm cocoons.

When feeding caterpillars, special attention is paid to creating optimal conditions - regulating temperature, humidity, air exchange and lighting in rearing rooms.

The main volume of cocoons will be produced in the Shavat and Akdepe etraps - 800 tons of valuable raw materials. The farmers of the Gorogly etrap intend to supply at least 71 tons, and the farmers of the Boldumsaz etrap - 71 tons of silkworms.

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