More than 10 bird species hibernate in the Turkmen capital

Ashgabat is rapidly growing and becoming more beautiful, the areas of green plantations are expanding, which facilitates the rapid dispersal of the anthropogenic zone birds. These feathered have learned to neighbor with people. Nowadays, many of them have comfortably hibernated near us.

For the Turkmen capital, the main group of birds well adapted to the urban conditions includes a blue rock pigeon, a ringdove, a gray crow, a tree sparrow and a common myna.

These birds are peculiar for sedentary life, and their food ration consists of food waste.Some species of birds use urban structures for nesting, others - mature trees in the park zone.

This led to significant changes in the biology of reproduction and the use of anthropogenic material for building nests.Birds, living in close vicinity with people, have become relatively tolerant to auto equipment, and to agricultural and domestic animals.

Decades ago, the first of them settled in new cities and towns, where it was easier for them to find food and protect themselves from predators.For example, the inhabitation of a laughing dove is closely associated with human habitation.

For the first time this small bird was observed in the valley of the Amu Darya River in 1892, later - in Ashgabat and at the Repetek station.At present, the bird eagerly settles in the private sector with fruit orchards and vineyards.

A ringdove first appeared on the territory of Turkmenistan in Badhyz in the first half of the last century and then quickly settled in all major cities, including the capital.

It prefers to stay in the crown of deciduous trees, where the bird builds nests, less often - on the cornices of buildings, flying to the ground only for feeding and watering.

A blue rock pigeon has penetrated into the cultural landscape long time ago.The birds that get used to people hide in the shade in hot weather, walk along sidewalks and lawns for long in search of food, spending up to six hours a day on the ground.

One of the numerous species hibernating in the Turkmen capital is a rook.Supposedly, it flies to Turkmenistan from northern Kazakhstan and Western Siberia in mid-October.During daytime, huge flocks of these nurses of fields and park areas fly over the foothill plain, destroying insect pests.

For the overnight stop, rooks return to the city, settling high-trees in parks and the Botanical garden with huge packs.In February, rooks fly to their native places.

Some birds stay with us until March-April.

A gray crow was first observed in Turkmenistan in May, 1882 - in the Gaudan settlement (now the territory of the Turkmen capital).Later, it was observed in other settlements, and now the bird not afraid to build nests in the crown of long-boled honeylocust and Eldar pine in the center of cities.

The bird hides nests, located on the top of trees.Crows stay in the parks for overnight.A swallow prefers quiet urban neighborhoods, building nests inside one-story buildings, under the roofs of residential buildings or hanging pedestrian bridges.

In early March, the flocks of migrating black swift come flying to Ashgabat, they hurry to grow small birds until the end of June, and then gather in flocks and fly away with a brood.

Most of the time black swift spend in the air at a high altitude and never sit on the ground and the branches of trees, although they can cling to a vertical surface.

A wagtail choses lofts, the wells of communication facilities, and large scrap metal to bring out nestlings.A tree sparrow as well as an Indian sparrow settles in the park areas and in the holes of loessic outcrops in the outskirts of the city.

A noisy, intelligent and self-assured common myna - a typical starling - in a short time could spread and fill the useful space, displacing the more intelligent’ in the behavior birds.

For the first time it appeared in the Amu Darya oases at the beginning of the last century, its successful settlement run through the populated areas from the Karakum Desert to the river valleys of Murghab, Tedjen, Sumbar.

In relation to people, the common myna behaves trustfully.The species has almost no competitors, which could impede the pace of its settlement.The common myna competes with almost all species of birds, including its close relative - an ordinary starling, gradually banishing the relatives from their nesting sites.

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