Modern Sanitation and Epidemiology Center Opens in Mary Province

Modern Sanitation and Epidemiology Center Opens in Mary Province

A new administrative building for the Sanitation and Disease Control Service was opened in Turkmenistan's Mary Province, according to reports from Turkmenistan's state media on Friday.

The complex consists of five administrative buildings that bring together the province's sanitation, hygiene, epidemiology, and laboratory diagnostic services.

Equipped with cutting-edge technology from renowned global manufacturers such as Roche Diagnostics, Newster, and Thermo Fisher Scientific, the modern laboratories will facilitate the implementation of innovative disease control methods and enable vital research.

The facility has been certified by the German company KTQ International, which highlighted its high healthcare standards. It was also confirmed by VS Vereinigte Spezialmöbelfabriken GmbH & Co.KG as the most high-tech project in the province.

Turkmenistan's President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gifted the center a specialized mobile laboratory vehicle and service vehicles to enhance the mobility of its specialists. The 2-hectare center also features well-developed roads, sidewalks, and green spaces.

Earlier, Turkmenistan's capital, Ashgabat, saw the opening of the 400-bed International Health and Rehabilitation Center and the 250-bed International Scientific and Clinical Center of Physiology.

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