"Last Bell" celebration held in schools of Turkmenistan

"Last Bell" celebration held in schools of Turkmenistan

Today, the "Last Bell" rang for graduates of high schools of Turkmenistan. Festive events dedicated to the end of the school year, an unforgettable event in the lives of tens of thousands of young boys and girls, were held in all corners of the country.

According to the Information Program "Watan" of the Turkmen Television, in the early morning the best school graduates and educators laid beautiful spring bouquets at the majestic Monument of Independence a symbol of the modern history of the Motherland and at the monument to Berdimuhamed Annayev, installed in the high school No. 27 of the Village of Yzgant of Geokdepe District of the Akhal Region.

The most distinguished young school graduates who took part in various sports competitions, won Olympiads, participated in creative competitions and amateur performances during the years of study, received memorable gifts on behalf of the head of state.

By tradition, celebratory assemblies were held in all schools of the country. Many kind words and wishes were said to children, parents, teachers and mentors.

By tradition, the "Last Bell" celebration coincides with the Day of the City of Ashgabat.In the evening, at the end of this beautiful and bright day, festivities started at the square in front of the State Circus, and a big concert of masters of arts took place in the Song and Music Center "Ashgabat".

The artists dedicated their songs to the beautiful capital, school years, love for the Motherland and the Turkmen people.The spectators enjoyed the talent of choreographic ensembles, folklore groups, and young pop performers.

Various cultural events in honor of high schools graduates were also held in all regions of Turkmenistan today.

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