Innovative vectors of industrial development presented in Ashgabat

International exhibition and scientific conference “Main Directions of Development of Industrial Brunches of Turkmenistan”, which were organized by the Trade and Industrial Chamber of the country, have started working in Turkmen capital.

Specialized review is timed to the Day of Industrial Personnel, which is observed for the first time on October 20.The goal of current international forum is to support the development of industrial complex and communication sphere as well as to introduce potential and capabilities both of manufacturers of the country as well as equipment, latest machinery and services of foreign participants.

Representatives of Germany, France, Italy, Russian, Turkey and other countries have come to the forum with their proposals.Members of the Government, leaders of the Mejlis, ministries and departments, public organizations, heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, foreign and national businessmen, mass media, numerous Ashgabat residents took part in the opening ceremony of the review.

Profile expositions speaking about the course of unprecedented by scale process of modernization and diversification of industrial branches of national economy have been expanded in the exhibition centre of the Trade and Industrial Chamber.

Significant part of the expositions is dedicated to one of priority directions of development of Turkmen business opening of import substitutive industrial facilities.The theme of the review covered the main spheres like processing industry, which was represented by such sections as chemical and textile industry, petrochemical production, transport, production of construction materials and food.

Exhibits of displays of the government and private structures of the country and foreign companies reflect success of the partnership in implementation of joint projects.Booths of the government structures and facilities of national economy, which presented wide range of industrial production as well as current developments of national scientists and specialists raise special attention of foreign guests.

The booths of Türkmensenagat Agency, which demonstrate various ready-made commodities produced under import substitutive programme on the base of joint ventures with participation of local entrepreneurs, is remarkable in this aspect.

Production, which is necessary for the country and competitive in the world market of construction materials, is presented by the giants of industrial sector as well as by new companies in this sphere.

Videos introducing new products and technologies, innovative resources of facilities operating in different industrial sections give visual image of the scales of industrial development of the country.World leaders in production of industrial equipment and technological novelties, with which years of cooperation experience have been gained, are among foreign participants of the review.

Thales Alenia Space, leading company in high space technologies, presents integrated solutions of navigations and security systems.Taking into account growing demands of Turkmen market in industrial developments, proposals on realization of joint projects for establishment and provision of productions oriented to processing of local material resources comes from Russian and Turkish companies.

Production of Türkmenhimiýa State Concern is widely represented at the review.Perspective directions of chemical industry include production of mineral fertilizers for provision of requirements of national economy, different petroleum production and construction materials.

Specialists and foreign experts paid special attention to production of Garabogazkarbamid Plant, which significant part is planned to be exported to foreign consumers.Combined communication system, which connects air and land routes with entry to big international and regional sea, motor, railway and air hubs, is successfully established in the country.

Booths of Türkmenawtoulaglary, Türkmendemirýollary, Türkmenhowaýollary, Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agencies give expanded presentation about it.Separate section is dedicated to road construction.Displays of the companies, which build modern bridges and multi-level intersections on important roads of the country, expositions of leading foreign companies willing to offer their know-hows in this sphere to Turkmenistan, raised high interest.

Separate sections are dedicated to transport and logistics, which is current direction gaining special importance in the light of large-scale work for development of these spheres in the country.

Private companies are widely represented in this segment at the review.The Ministry of Textile Industry presented production of one of the leading export oriented branches.Rich variety of cotton and silk fabrics, sewing and knitted garments are distinguished by high quality.

Special attention of the visitors is attracted y samples of velvet, keteni’ national fabrics and ready items made of these fabrics.There are also silk handmade carpets and silk cocoons, collections of traditional and modern dress decorated with handmade embroidery, souvenirs and accessories at the exhibition.

Ornamental handmade carpets and carpet items from Türkmenhaly Production Association of the Ministry of Textile Industry as well as from private entities working in this sphere raised keen interest of the participants and guests.

Interested dialog, which was started at the fields of international industrial exhibition, was continued in the afternoon under scientific conference, which was held in the session hall of the Trade and Industrial Chamber.

Heads of profile ministries and departments of the country, representatives of turkemn business, specialists of companies and facilities from foreign countries, journalists and students took part in the forum.

Establishment of modern industry construction materials industry, light and chemical branches, formation of production of electronic goods and other import substitutive production, active role and growing capabilities of business communities of the country are among the main subjects of reports.

Participants of scientific conference exchanged the practice in the sphere of implementation of digital technologies.Special emphasis was made on importance of expansion of production capacities in different parts of Turkmenistan.

Turkmen entrepreneurs, which are interested in expansion of direct contacts with foreign businessmen in joint work on new projects, showed high activity.Therefore, International exhibition and scientific conference “Main Directions of Development of Industrial Branches of Turkmenistan” became an efficient ground for demonstration of the potential of national economy and attraction of advanced practice and investments.

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