In Vladimir a Week of Turkmen culture is held

In Vladimir a Week of Turkmen culture is held

In the city if Vladimir with support of the administration of Vladimir region and Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation a Week of Turkmen culture is held.

On March 15, in the action’s opening ceremony under the name The carpet of traditions weaved in centuries which took place in the Vladimir regional library for children and youth within the limits of the project Vladimir international, representatives of the regional administration, Turkmen students trained at the Vladimir state university named after А.G and N.G.Stoletov, representatives of public organisations and mass media took part.

Speakers at the opening ceremony of the Weeks of Turkmen culture noted importance of development of relations in priority components of the Turkmen-Russian partnership, such as cultural-humanitarian cooperation, interaction in the field of science and education.

Within the limits of the action visitors were acquainted with the culture, customs and traditions of Turkmen people. Turkmen students sung songs and verses in their native language and national dance kushtdepdi.

The exhibition in which photos and pictures about rich culture and traditions of the Turkmen people, beauty of nature of Turkmenistan, and also modern achievements of the country were presented was dated to the event.

During the opening day visitors were treated to the national celebratory delicacy pishme, prepared by Turkmen students.

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