In Ashgabat, the team of Turkmenistan was solemnly held for the Olympic Games in Tokyo

In Ashgabat, the team of Turkmenistan was solemnly held for the Olympic Games in Tokyo

Today, in the conference hall of the Sport Hotel of the Olympic town, on the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, a ceremonial seeing-off of the national team, which will represent Turkmenistan at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Japan, in the city of Tokyo, took place.

The ceremony was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Honored Trainer of Turkmenistan S.Berdimuhamedov, as well as heads of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy, national sports centers, federations, teachers and students of the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.

Less than a week is left before the start of one of the most important large-scale competitions, which will be held from July 23 to August 8. The tournament, by tradition, brings together the best athletes from all over the planet, including representatives of our country.

So, among weightlifters - Khojamuhammed Toychiev in the weight category over 109 kilograms, Ovez Ovezov (109 kg), Rejepbay Rejepov (up to 81 kg), Polina Gurieva (up to 59 kg), Kristina Shermetova (up to 55 kg).

Mergen Mammedov will have to fight in the hammer throw.Gulbadam Babamyratova will meet with judokas in weight up to 52 kilograms.The swimming competition will be attended by Merdan Ataev (100 and 200 meters backstroke) and Daria Semyonova (100 meters breaststroke).

The team will be accompanied by sports specialists and coaches.

Speaking to the participants of the solemn event, Deputy Prime Minister, Honored Coach of Turkmenistan S. Berdimuhamedov, wishing the athletes and coaches of the national team of Turkmenistan success at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games, expressed his conviction that they would adequately represent our country at major competitions and raise the international sports prestige of their native Motherland.

The message of the leader of the nation expresses the firm belief that our athletes, having achieved wonderful victories in the XXXII Summer Olympic Games, will present holiday gifts to the glorious 30th anniversary of sacred independence, increasing the international authority of the sovereign neutral Motherland - a country of health and high spirit, proclaiming the motto in sports "Health.

High spirit.Friendship ”, as well as the whole planet will glorify Turkmen sport.

In Turkmenistan, much attention is paid not only to stimulating the mass physical culture and health movement, but also to the development of high-performance sports through the training of highly qualified athletes and coaches, specialized specialists, as well as fruitful international cooperation in this area.

Turkmen athletes take part in prestigious competitions in the country and abroad, where they demonstrate impressive success, winning prizes and being awarded medals, including gold ones.

He constantly improves his level of knowledge and coaching staff in various types of sports mastery, exchanging experience with his foreign colleagues. Thus, everything is being done to ensure that Turkmen athletes can achieve high performance and adequately represent the Motherland on the world sports arena.

An important milestone in the development of domestic sports was the construction of an Olympic town in Ashgabat that meets world standards.It is not only the pride of the Turkmen people, but also one of the visiting cards of the capital.

In general, all this allows us to talk about the creation of a national sports infrastructure that meets the requirements of the International Olympic Committee.

At the XXXII Summer Olympics, 339 sets of medals in 33 sports will be competed.

A thematic exhibition dedicated to the sports achievements of domestic athletes was held in the lobby of the Sport hotel. The exposition presented awards won by Turkmen athletes at prestigious international competitions. A special place here was occupied by the books of the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The ceremony participants wished the Turkmen athletes success in the arenas of the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo and adopted an appeal to the President of Turkmenistan, in which they expressed gratitude to the head of state for the wide opportunities created for the development of national sports and the high confidence in representing our country at prestigious competitions.

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