Harvest Festival is widely celebrated in Turkmenistan

Harvest Festival is widely celebrated in Turkmenistan

Today, Turkmenistan widely celebrates the Harvest Festival, symbolizing the hard work of the country’s farmers and the everlasting generosity of their native land.

Celebrations honoring agricultural workers are taking place in all corners of the country.

In Turkmenistan, along with all areas of the economy, special attention is paid to the development of agriculture. Large-scale measures are being implemented in the country to make this sector profitable, the latest technologies, the latest achievements of science and technology, and the best practices of developed countries are being widely introduced.

In honor of the Harvest Festival, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent a welcoming Address to the valiant workers of the village and the people of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

“This holiday is celebrated in independent neutral Turkmenistan at the state level every year, on the second Sunday of November and expresses a sense of pride in the gifts received by selfless farmers from our land thanks to their perseverance and love for their work, and also expresses the state’s high respect for their conscientious work,” the Address says.

Let us remind that in Ashgabat, in the Center of Public Organizations, a celebration was held on the occasion of the holiday, during which the best workers of the agricultural sector of Turkmenistan were awarded.

On the eve of the holiday, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to award workers of the agricultural sector with the medal “Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin” (“For love of the Fatherland") for special merits in the development of agriculture.

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