Gold coins found in the north of Turkmenistan were transferred to the museum of the city of Arkadag

Gold coins found in the north of Turkmenistan were transferred to the museum of the city of Arkadag

Eighteen gold and three silver coins, as well as 61 fragments and eight multi-colored objects found by residents of Dashoguz velayat Annamuhammed Durdyev and Bibijemal Berdygylyjova, were transferred to the Museum of History and Local Lore of the city of Arkadag. This was reported by the “MIR 24” TV channel.

A resident of Dashoguz velayat, Annamuhammet Durdyev, says:

According to scientists, the coins date back to the XII-XIII centuries and date back to the heyday of the state of the Kunya-Urgench Turkmens.

We previously reported that residents of the northern region of Turkmenistan will be awarded valuable prizes for the treasure found.

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