Future Princess Diana's first employment contract sold at auction

Future Princess Diana's first employment contract sold at auction

Princess Diana's first employment contract, signed two years before her wedding with Prince Charles, was sold at an online auction for 8 470 pounds sterling, Mail.ru reports with reference to the Daily Mail.

The agreement was concluded with the agency Solve Your Problem Ltd, which provided nanny services for wealthy families. Diana Spencer, 19 at the time, began working at the agency in 1979, a few weeks after moving to London.

The document indicates the incorrect date of Diana's birth - 1960 (instead of 1961). Experts believe she may have done this on purpose to appear older and get better job conditions.

The contract is considered a valuable historical artifact, as it is the first official contract of the future princess. Before that, she worked informally, helping relatives and friends.

Mary Cook, founder of Solve Your Problem Ltd, kept the document as a souvenir.

The buyer of the lot was an anonymous collector from the USA. Participants from Canada, Hong Kong and Australia also competed for the right to possess the treaty.

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