Flights between Turkmenistan and European Union countries to be expanded

At the video conference session on October 14, Chairman of Türkmenhowaýollary Agnecy D.Saburov informed the Head of the State on results of the monitoring conducted by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

It was informed that by the results of inspections, Ashgabat International Airport was recognized as exemplary complex in all relations in transport section of Turkmenistan, which has big reserves for provision of growing volumes of passenger and cargo traffic.

Turkmenistan fulfils all undertaken obligations for international conventions regulating activity in the sphere of civil aviation, strictly follows international standards on safety of flights, airports, aircrafts, manning of flight crews and ground personnel.

Information about cooperation with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which is specialized agency of the United Nations, has been presented.Together with specialists of the Organization, the work for all components of airport management and air traffic control is continued.

Meetings and consultations on advanced world practice of application of standards of aviation safety, implementation of modern technologies are carried out on planned base.The Head of the Agency informed that experts of the EASA gave good appraisal to the work in the country for provision of flights safety of Turkmenistan airlines, provision of airports of the country.

In addition to domestic flights, aircrafts of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency make regular flights to different foreign cities increasing the number of destinations.In service sphere, Ashgabat International Airport is planning to compete deservingly with recognized world leaders due to implementation of new technologies to development of infrastructure of air navigation and improvement of quality of passenger service.

It is able to receive aircrafts of any type and cargo capacity providing the service on the level of international standards.Work of passport control, customs and migration services is arranged according to modern requirements.

Integrated approach to provision of all criteria of safety and regulation in the system of organization and management of ground movement of aircrafts according to high international standards is organized.

Cargo transportation and modernization of their ground provision are one of the main directions of activity of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency.Availability of own production base allows engineering service of Turkmen airlines making labour-intensive technical service, maintenance and overhaul repair of Boeing passenger aircrafts of national fleet as well as to provide services for aircrafts of foreign companies.

Air traffic control is vitally important element of safe flights.Powerful automatic monitoring system of meteorological conditions provides full control of the aircraft flight in the area of operational responsibility of the airport.

Big attention is paid to training flight personnel.Continuing the report, D.Saburov informed that the monitoring by the EASA experts confirmed the compliance of Ashgabat International Airport with world standards of aviation safety, which allows expanding multidimensional cooperation of Turkmenistan with other states and international organizations in the civil aviation sphere.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that positive results of inspections of relative services and Ashgabat International Airport by the EASA experts in provision of flight safety indicate high level and quality of work of national aviation, which allows opening flights in European directions.

Taking into account that Türkmenhowaýollary is self-supporting organization, the Head of the State ordered Vice-premier B.Ovezov to study the subject of arrangement of flights with the countries of European Union.

In this regard, it is necessary to determine the most popular directions and, following market prices and having thought all coming expenses and revenue.Having ordered to study the flights to European countries within two months, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Chairman of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency to prepare relative plan.

At the same time, the focus was made on making of comfortable conditions for passengers.

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