Final document of the International Forum: “Interconnection of Times and Civilizations - the Basis of Peace and Development”

Final document of the International Forum: “Interconnection of Times and Civilizations - the Basis of Peace and Development”

On October 11, the International Forum “Interconnection of Times and Civilizations the Basis of Peace and Development” was held in Ashgabat under the chairmanship of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi.

The event was attended by heads of state, including the presidents of Turkmenistan, Armenia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, as well as the chairman of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye, heads of international organizations, members of government, scientists, cultural figures and diplomats.

The forum became part of large-scale events held in Turkmenistan in 2024 under the motto “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”. Participants noted the relevance and modernity of the poet's work, based on the ideas of unity, humanism and friendship, and emphasized his role in the formation of patriotic consciousness and spiritual and moral education of youth.

The forum also noted the international recognition of Magtymguly’s work, expressed in the UNESCO resolution on the inclusion of the celebration of his 300th anniversary in the List of Memorable Dates and the inclusion of his manuscripts in the International Memory of the World Register.

As reported by the State News Agency of Turkmenistan, the participants of the International Forum:

1.Confirmed the importance of further popularization of national traditions and culture of the peoples of the world, the formation of interest in the younger generation in studying national creativity and culture of different countries of the world. 2.

Having noted with satisfaction the availability of translations of the classic poet's works into many languages of the world and their publication in dozens of countries of the world, they spoke in favor of the need for further stimulation of preparation for printing and publication of collections of poems, selected works of the outstanding Turkmen poet.

In this regard, they noted the presence of great potential for active study of the possibility of publishing the “Encyclopedia of Magtymguly Fragi”, which will collect information on the research work of scientists studying the literary heritage of Magtymguly. 3.

Noted that deepening cooperation in the field of studying and disseminating the literary heritage of the classic poet will contribute to the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage and spiritual values. 4.

Emphasized that the poetic legacy of Magtymguly Fragi is a great contribution of the Turkmen people to world culture and an inexhaustible source of humanism, love for the Motherland and respect for universal human values. 5.

They declared that they would continue to support the holding of international scientific conferences, round tables, literary and creative evenings, and exhibitions dedicated to the work of Magtymguly Fragi at various venues. 6.

Expressed the opinion that cultural dialogue in the field of popularization of the works of the great thinker Magtymguly Fragi makes a significant contribution to the development of comprehensive cooperation between states, promotes the strengthening of friendship and mutual understanding between peoples, and the mutual enrichment of their cultures.

In this regard, agreed to provide all possible support for the further development of mutually beneficial cooperation in this area.

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