Export Deals on SCRMET Amount to Approximately $15.5M

Export Deals on SCRMET Amount to Approximately $15.5M

Trading on the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan (SCRMET) last week concluded deals totaling $15,349 million.

Representatives from the business circles of the UAE, Türkiye, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan purchased liquefied gas and polypropylene produced by the Türkmennebit (Turkmen Oil) State Concern using foreign currency, SCRMET reported on Monday.

On the domestic market, Turkmen entrepreneurs procured polypropylene, illuminating kerosene, petroleum road bitumen produced by Türkmennebit, glass containers, and handmade carpets totaling more than 9 million 38 thousand manats.

The State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan recorded 23 transactions last week.

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