EU Launches Educational Program For Young Diplomats from CA

EU Launches Educational Program For Young Diplomats from CA

The European Union (EU) launched a new educational program for young diplomats from Central Asia in Bruges, Belgium, on May 14 of this year.

As reported by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Belgium, this program was developed with the participation of leading European educational institutions and involves two weeks of training for participants in the study of the activities of EU institutions.

At the opening ceremony of the program, the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Belgium, Sapar Palvanov, emphasized the critical importance of the program in the current context of strengthening interregional ties. The ambassador also expressed Turkmenistan's readiness to continue supporting this program and to contribute to its further development.

Participants paid particular attention to the discussion of the future of educational programs and their role in the development of diplomatic relations.

The EU educational program for young diplomats from Central Asia is designed to strengthen educational and diplomatic ties between the regions. The main goal of the initiative is to promote mutual understanding and to deepen cooperation mechanisms between the EU and Central Asian countries.

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