Estonian Roksnet enters the Turkmen IT market with a digital government project

Estonian Roksnet enters the Turkmen IT market with a digital government project

An online meeting between representatives of the Turkmensvyaz Agency and Roksnet Solutions OÜ Company, Estonia, was held on Thursday.

Roksnet is a consultant on implementation of “Information and Communication Technology Management” and “Electronic Government” systems, which are currently in demand in Turkmenistan during the implementation of the Concept for the Development of the country’s Digital Economy for 2019-2025.

Representatives of the company expressed interest in cooperation with the agency, in particular, in the field of creation of the “electronic government” platform in Turkmenistan, as well as proposed to sign a Memorandum on the establishment of bilateral cooperation.

Presenting their projects, Roksnet specialists shared information on X-Road interdepartmental electronic exchange system. As a decentralized system, it combines various services, a database and high encryption standards and represents a crucial component of digital government and digital ecosystem.

Named “the most advanced digital society in the world”, Estonia has built an efficient e-Society in the world where almost everything is done digitally. Roksnet has designed numerous digital solutions, including e-government system, in such developed countries as Germany, Finland, Canada, Japan, as well as in Mexico, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan.

Roksnet has a proven track in providing professional advice, training, development, management and service to ministries and industry agencies to build e-government systems.

Roksnet also put forward a proposal to create a center for registration and approval of digital signatures, identification and authentication of users of the system, a population census database, a digital code system for legal entities and individuals, and an ID card system for identification in the electronic government system.

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