Derman topary pharmacy in Ashgabat offers favorable conditions for customers

Derman topary pharmacy in Ashgabat offers favorable conditions for customers

The Ashgabat pharmacy Derman topary attracts customers not only with a wide range of products, but also with a favorable discount system. The pharmacy provides a number of special offers for different categories of customers.

Every Friday Derman topary offers a 3,5% discount on certain product groups.

In addition, regular customers can receive a discount card entitling them to a 3% discount on all future purchases.

Particular attention is paid to socially significant groups of the population. Students can get a 4% discount card upon presentation of a student card, and pensioners can get a 5% discount card.

The pharmacy's assortment includes a wide selection of medical devices and products, medicines, cosmetics from well-known brands, as well as hygiene and personal care products.

For more information, customers can call: (+993 12) 47 13 03, (+993 12) 47 23 33, (+993 12) 47 26 66, (+993 63) 25 30 03 or visit the pharmacy’s page on the social network.

Address: st. Andalib 70, Parahat 4, Täjirçilik Merkezi.

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