Dear passengers!

Dear passengers!

The agency "Turkmenavtoulaglary" informs you that, in order to meet the needs of the population in bus transportation, high-quality and cultural services for passengers, from September 23, 2020, changes are made to route No. 75 "Bus station - Kurtli".

On route No. 75, the bus starts moving from the dispatch center "Avtovokzal", then following the route A.Niyazov ave. - Kh.A.Yasava st. - Bitarap Turkmenistan - Gurbansoltan eje ave. - Rukhabat st., The bus arrives at the dispatch center Kurtley.

The bus goes back from the "Kurtli" dispatch point along the route Ruhabat street - Gurbansoltan eje ave. - Bitarap Turkmenistan - HA Yasavy street - A.Niyazov avenue and arrives at the “Bus station” dispatch point.

Phones for inquiries: 28-60-30; 28-60-80

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