Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Hungary start on August 7

Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Hungary start on August 7

On August 7, the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan start in Hungary. In this regard, a large creative delegation of Turkmen art masters, cultural and artistic figures, representatives of the film industry, museum specialists and journalists is heading to Budapest.

As reported by Asmannews, the grand opening of the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan will take place on August 7 in Budapest, at the Heritage House.An exhibition of museum treasures, fine and decorative arts will be organized here, as well as a display of national clothing and modern models.

The evening will end with a big concert by art masters of Turkmenistan.

The program of the Days of Culture includes events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great Turkmen poet-thinker Magtymguly Fragi, a presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan “Anau - Culture from the Depths of Millennia”, a screening of Turkmen cinema, and master classes on traditional Turkmen crafts.

Within the framework of the Culture Days of Turkmenistan, the grand opening of the bust of Magtymguly Fragi will take place in the Bach-Kishkun district.

The Turkmen delegation will also take part in Kurultai - a celebration of the preservation of traditions, the revival of ancient Hungarian and other steppe nomadic cultures, held annually in this area. Here, Turkmen artists will perform folklore compositions demonstrating folk traditions and customs, including women's traditional costume and handicraft skills.

The Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in Hungary will last until August 11 and will end with a concert of Turkmen art masters, the source notes.

Previously, we reported that the Days of Culture of Turkmenistan will be held in Hungary and the opening of the monument to Magtymguly will take place.

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