Berdimuhamedov awarded the head of the Weightlifting Federation of Turkmenistan with the “Gayrat” medal

Berdimuhamedov awarded the head of the Weightlifting Federation of Turkmenistan with the “Gayrat” medal

President Berdimuhamedov signed a decree today, in accordance with which the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Myatiev Berdiniyaz Gurbanberdievich was awarded the “Gayrat” medal. This was reported by the "Vatan" program of the Turkmen television.

The diplomat was honored with the award "for great labor success in strengthening independence and sovereignty, international authority of Turkmenistan, especially fruitful state and public work, as well as taking into account special services to the state and society,” the document emphasizes.

For several years, Berdiniyaz Myatiev has been successfully combining the duties of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan on a voluntary basis with the work of the Chairman of the Weightlifting Federation.

This is evidenced by the success of the Turkmen athlete Yulduz Jumabayeva, who at the 2018 World Weightlifting Championships won one silver (snatch) and two gold medals (jerk and combined- double event) in the weight category up to 45 kg.

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