ATTENTION: COMPETITION! A short information on "International Competition for Young Lawyers"

The "International Competition for Young Lawyers" is being held on the occasion of the proclamation of 2021 "Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Peace and Trust", as well as the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of Turkmenistan and 25th Anniversary of Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan.

Young lawyers, not older than 30 years, may take part in the abovementioned competition.

Participants should send their works on one of the below mentioned topics to the email address by March 25, 2021, in any of the languages Turkmen, Russian or English, in font size 14 Times New Roman, and then make a speech on the written work on March 30, 2021 by video conference (the duration of the speech is no longer than 10 minutes).

The data for video conferencing will be sent later to the email addresses of the participants.

Topics of the competition:

1) the depth of study of the topic;

2) the value of application in practice;

3) potential;

4) validity;

5) performance quality

6) the presence of innovative (new) legal proposals and solutions.

The decision on the selection of the winners of the competition will be made by a majority vote in relation to each participant. The decision taken by the members of the Judging Committee is final.

The winners of the competition will be announced on March 31, 2021 and will be awarded with certificates and prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

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ATTENTION: COMPETITION! A short information on "International Competition for Young Lawyers"
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