Aspects of rights protection of industrial samples are in the agenda of the seminar under the WIPO aegis

Two-day seminar on legal protection of industrial samples, which was organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) together with the State Intellectual Property Service of the Ministry of Finances and Economics of Turkmenistan, has competed its work on Archabyl Hotel of the capital.

Representatives of profile ministries and departments of Turkmenistan, private sector of the country, mass medial and other were invited to the forum. Senior Advisor on Informational Subjects Mikhail Faleev took part in the work of the forum as International Expert from thr WIPO.

The World Intellectual Property Organization is the UN agency, which deals with the promotion of intellectual property (patents, copyrights, trademarks, samples and other) as a stimulation of innovations and arts in science and economy.

Turkmenistan joined the WIPO in 1995, having signed relative Convention, and the Hague System of International Registration of Industrial Samples in 2016.

Realization of the Programme of development of the system of intellectual property in Turkmenistan for 2015 2020 has started earlier in August 2015.At present time, the work for improvement of legislation in this sphere in order to bring it to compliance with the standards of international law is continued in the country.

The Law of Turkmenistan on Protection of Industrial Samples has been adopted owing to the cooperation with the WIPO.

The participants of the forum noted that rapid rates of social and economic progress in modern Turkmenistan increase the importance of intellectual property in the context of innovative vector of the country’s development. In this regard, special role is given to international practice and cooperation with competent international structures and organizations including with the WIPO.

Interested discussion of advanced practices of regulatory and legal support of intellectual property has been held during the seminar. Legal registration of industrial samples (artistic or aesthetic solution of samples), which opens the opportunities of their protection and promotion of the brand at local and international markets was separates subjects of the forum.

Industrial samples are important for small and medium facilities as well as for big companies of actively developing Turkmen business regardless from the type of activity as they are aimed at the attraction of attention of customers and interest of wholesale buyers.

In the end of the forum, the participants spoke for activation of intenratioanl cooperation and expressed the intent to develop productive exchange of practice with the WIPO and other international structures in this subject.

The guests of Turkmen capital, representatives of the WIPO have visited the State Intellectual Property Service of Turkmenistan where they have studied in details the directions of activity of this organization and discussed actual subjects of cooperation.

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