Ashgabat theaters are on tour in Turkmenabat

Ashgabat theaters are on tour in Turkmenabat

Actors of Ashgabat theaters are on tour in Turkmenabat.

Thus, performances of the Main Academic Drama Theater of Turkmenistan named after S. Turkmenbashi the Great and the State Russian Drama Theater named after Pushkin will be shown on the stage of the State Music and Drama Theater of the Lebap velayat named after S. Seidi during November.

From November 3 to 7, the Main Academic Drama Theater of Turkmenistan named after S. Turkmenbashi the Great will show its performance Hindi rowaýaty.

From November 14 to 20, the State Russian Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin will present the performances “Super Hare” and “Andro and Sandro”, reports the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

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