Ashgabat Hosts Seminar on Seismic Assessment of Buildings

Ashgabat Hosts Seminar on Seismic Assessment of Buildings

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Institute of Seismology and Atmospheric Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan hold a two-week online training on engineering survey of buildings for Turkmen specialists.

The training is held within the framework of a joint project the UNDP and the Institute "Strengthening national capacity for Seismic Risk Assessment, Prevention and Response to Potential Earthquakes", the UNDP said in its press release issued last Thursday.

Modern equipment for recording seismic vibrations produced by the German company “DiGOS Potsdam GmbH” was supplied within the framework of the project to carry out an engineering survey of buildings. This includes post-supply training of local specialists to operate the equipment and processing of measurement results by experienced specialists from Germany and Kyrgyzstan.

“In order to achieve greater efficiency, it was agreed to conduct a two-stage training: first, trainers from Germany and Kyrgyzstan will train four relevantly qualified local specialists, who then will train a second group of 6-8 people supervised by the trainers” said Japar Karayev, the project specialist.

The training program includes theoretical and practical modules. In the course of the training, trainees will independently perform an engineering survey of 3-4 multi-storey buildings with processing of measurement results.

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