Ashgabat audience warmly welcomed the performance of the Mangistau Theatre

Ashgabat audience warmly welcomed the performance of the Mangistau Theatre

The Ashgabat public warmly welcomed the play “The Well”, which was shown by the artists of the Mangistau Regional Musical and Drama Theater named after Nurmukhan Zhanturin of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the II TURKSOY Theater Festival.

As reported by “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”, the play is based on the story of the same name by the Kazakh writer A. Kekibaev, written based on real events.

What does a well mean for a deserted area?It is life for all living things around.The heroes of the play people living with their joys and sorrows next to the well in the blink of an eye “transformed” into a herd of horses or sheep that came here to quench their thirst.

The performance had many interesting moments, to which the audience in the hall of the National Drama Theatre named after Alp Arslan responded with friendly applause, the source notes.

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