Artificial tamarisk forest to be planted on test ground in Lebap Velayat

Presentation of joint project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and German International Cooperation Society (GIZ), which is also implemented in Uzbekistan, was held in Administration centre of Lebap Velayat, Turkemnabat.

Potential partners of the projects specialists of structural divisions of the Ministry, Buyan Agro industrial complex of Turkmendermansenagat Association of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry, were invited to participate in the meeting.

The participants were introduced with the concept, which focuses on ecosystem approach to land management as well as on protection and restoration of tamarisk natural complexes located outside protected areas.

In practical implementation, it will be expressed by forest restoration activities on test ground in Sayat etrap, Lebap Velayat, which will be held on the area of 10 hectares until May 2020.

In this context, the recommendations on tree species and planting technique have been given.The hosts highlighted that the work is starting this autumn.Head of Regional Project Karolina Milov and Project Assistan from Uzbek side Muhabbat Kamalova took part in the event.

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