More than 80% of the tomato crop produced by the Altyn Burgüt company in Charjev etrap of Turkmenistan’s Lebap velayat is shipped to foreign markets, the country’s official media reported on Tuesday.
The company is harvesting tomatoes in stages and intends to harvest more than 2,000 tons of it during the year.
More than 192 thousand tomato bushes are grown in the company's six-section greenhouse with the total area of 8.5 hectares.
Organized work in the complex of greenhouses of the company and the full observance of agricultural rules allows to get a rich harvest, on average 13 kg per plant and 230-250 tons per hectare of tomatoes.
In March 2021, Altyn Bürgüt launched its greenhouse complex operations. One of the main features of this modern greenhouse is that tomato seedlings are grown in containers with an admixture of coconut shells.