All members of the Security Council, except the Interior Minister, retain their posts pursuant to S. Berdymukhamedov’s order

The state information agency TDH reports that on 6 April Serdar Berdymukhammedov held the first extended session of the State Security Council after he had been elected President to re-appoint executives of law enforcement agencies.

The President pointed out pursuant to Turkmenistan’s Constitution, the Prosecutor General, Chairman of the Supreme Court, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Adalat (Justice) are appointed with consent of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh (the upper chamber of Parliament headed by former President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov).

According to TDH, they were appointed following the approval of the Khalk Maslakhaty of Milli Gengesh.

The Interior Minister was dismissed by the President. Other members of the Security Council have retained their positions, namely:

Minister of Defense Begench Gundogdyev;

Prosecutor General Batyr Atdayev;

Chairman of the Supreme Court Guvanchmyrat Ussanepesov;

Minister of National Security Gurbamyrat Annayev;

Head of the State Border Guard Service Yazgeldi Nuryev;

Minister of Adalat (Justice) Merettagan Taganov;

Chairman of the State Customs Service Maksat Khudaikulyev;

Chairman of the State Migration Office Nazar Atagarayev.

Immediately after their appointments, the heads of the agencies made progress reports for three months.

Following the report of the Deputy Prime Minister overseeing security, the Secretary of the Security Council Charymyrat Amanov, the President credited his huge contribution to protecting the rights of citizens, strengthening security, maintaining order and then abolished the position.

According to TDH, Amanov was also relieved from the post of the Secretary of the Security Council “because of transfer to another job”. He was replaced by Minister of Defense Begench Gundogdyev.

The position of the Deputy Prime Minister overseeing security, military and legal issues was established in January 2020.

Since its establishment the former chancellor of the Interior Institute Charmyrat Amanov has occupied the post.It is not reported why the post has been abolished.The post All members of the Security Council, except the Interior Minister, retain their posts pursuant to S.

Berdymukhamedov’s order first appeared on Chronicles of Turkmenistan.

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