Share of private investments to production of potato has significantly grown in the north of Turkmenistan.Member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country Dovran Esenov, who developed 578 hectares for cultivation of potato in N.
Andalib farming association, is one of the biggest producers of this crop in Gurbansoltan-eje etrap.He plans to produce more than 8,000 tons of potato from this land.
In general, 2,100 hectares were allocated for cultivation of this crop in etrap.Kerven Hyzmaty farimg association completes sowing works on 35 hectares in S.Turkmenbashy etrap.
Business structure, which is specialized in production of agricultural goods, has good experience in cultivation of potato and plans to receive around 14,000 kg from each hectare.This year, the land allocated for important agricultural crop has been increased to 4,000 hectares in Dashoguz Velayat.
It is planned to produce 56,000 tons of potato from this land, whch is significantly exceeds last year indicators.