A unique project is being developed in Poland to preserve the aromas of cultural heritage

A unique project is being developed in Poland to preserve the aromas of cultural heritage

The National Museums of Krakow and Slovenia have joined forces to create the world’s first scent library of historical and cultural artifacts. This innovative project aims to preserve the aromas associated with important museum exhibits, reports euro-pulse.ru.

The plan is to archive the scents of ten items, five from each participating country. Among the selected objects are works of art and personal belongings of famous historical figures, including the snuff box of the Slovenian poet Franze Prešeren.

The first exhibit whose scent was successfully preserved was the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci “Lady with an Ermine”, stored in the National Museum of Krakow.The process of extracting and analyzing the smell took nine months of painstaking work.

Scientists were able to isolate individual components of the aroma associated with the materials of the painting: walnut wood, varnish and paints.

Employees of the Krakow museum note that the recorded aroma not only allows a new look at the work of art, but also provides valuable information about the technique of its creation and conservation methods. Additionally, a scent library can be an important tool for people with visual impairments, allowing them to experience art through their sense of smell.

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