A star was named in honor of the Turkmen city of Arkadag

A star was named in honor of the Turkmen city of Arkadag

Scientists of the Space-Earth Society, who study celestial bodies, named one of the stars in the sky the name “Arkadag” in honor of the first anniversary of the discovery of the city of Arkadag and as a symbol of pride in it.

As TDH reports, this good news was heard during a festive conference held on June 29 in the city of Arkadag on the occasion of celebrations in honor of the first anniversary of its foundation.

As noted, in order to familiarize the people of Turkmenistan with information about the star, it was decided to transfer the Certificate of naming the star “Arkadag”, as well as the telescope and photographs taken of the star to the

Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, one of the prestigious universities in the country.

The participants of the celebration congratulated the teaching staff and students of TSU on this event and the presentation of the corresponding certificate.

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