A series of painting about the famous Turkmen weightlifter is kept in the workshop of the Mary city

A series of painting about the famous Turkmen weightlifter is kept in the workshop of the Mary city

An artist from the Mary velayat, Nurat Hojaguliyev, created a series of painting dedicated to the outstanding Turkmen weightlifter, three-time world and European champion Altymurad Orazdurdyev. This was reported in the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

Altymurad and Nurat were fellow villagers, they knew each other from childhood, which allowed the artist to accurately convey the image of an athlete.

During his short life Altymurad made a huge contribution to the development of national sports. He possessed a unique talent that impressed even the most famous athletes on the planet. His high athletic performance had a positive impact on young people, he became a role model.

Nurat Hojaguliyev, as a childhood friend and admires of the athlete’s talent, created a series of paintings dedicated to Altymurad. “Attempt”, “Dream of a Champion”, “Victory”, “Meeting” reflected the athlete’s dedication and inner feelings.

The paintings have been exhibited several times. So, in 2017, they were at the artist’s personal exhibition in Ashgabat. Those present at the opening noted the merit of Nurat Hojagulyev the first of the Turkmen artists who professionally raised the topic of sports in painting.

As a man of art, Nurat Hojagulyev believes that his beloved creation should always be with the author. Therefore, these paintings adorn the artist’s studio, and the number of those wishing to see them does not decrease. Nurat aga is proud that he managed to capture the image of the famous athlete, to preserve it for future generations.

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