A personal exhibition of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Annadurdy Almamedov opened in Ashgabat

A personal exhibition of the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Annadurdy Almamedov opened in Ashgabat

In Ashgabat, in the Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan opened a personal exhibition of works by People's Artist of Turkmenistan Annadurdy Almamedov, timed to coincide with his 85th birthday.

Colleagues-artists, teachers of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan, numerous students, as well as art lovers came to congratulate the hero of the day, reports the newspaper “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

The exhibition included 200 paintings by the hero of the day and occupied both floors of the Exhibition Center.

The artist was born in June 1937 in the village of Bendesen, Gyzylarbat etrap, Balkan velayat.The beauty of the local nature influenced the development of his creative potential.

Although the master himself admits that, as a child, he did not fully understand the alluring beauty of nature, the outlines of mountains, steep cliffs and plateaus, mysterious grottoes in which turbulent streams were born.

“But, growing up, I realized that I was in love with our nature and fascinated by it. Thinking about my place in life, I came to the conclusion that I simply could not help but become an artist, having been born in such a beautiful, heavenly corner of the world”, says Annadurdy Almamedov.

See the photo report from the exhibition

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