A one-year-old boy became the youngest artist in the world

A one-year-old boy became the youngest artist in the world

Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah from Ghana has won the title of youngest artist in the Guinness Book of Records. At the age of 1 year and 152 days, this gifted baby has already created more than 20 paintings, Mail.ru reports.

Ace-Liam's passion for creativity manifested itself at an early age. At 6 months, while watching his mother, an artist by profession, he first came into contact with paints. The kid's curiosity led to the creation of his first painting called “Crawled,” where he left his handprints on the canvas.

The young artist’s unusual talent did not go unnoticed. Media around the world are covering his story, and the First Lady of Ghana has personally expressed her support for him.

Ace-Liam's works have already won the hearts of art lovers. He took part in the group exhibition The Soundout Premium at the Ghana Museum of Science and Technology where 9 out of 10 of his paintings sold.

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