29.09.2017 | World media: "Ashgabat 2017" is the best of the Asian Games!

"V Asian indoor and martial arts games" have become the best in the history of these continental competitions!" So was described Games "Ashgabat 2017" by the world media.

Sports battles in the arenas of the Olympic town were covered by more than 500 journalists from 82 countries.In reports of News agencies of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, China, Uzbekistan, Russia, Tajikistan and other countries a special place was given to the competitions, in which about six thousand athletes from 64 countries of Asia and Oceania, as well as a combined refugee team took part.

Publications testify that Ashgabat has adequately coped with the mission entrusted to it - to hold the V Asian Games, having confirmed the status of the city-peacemaker, the center of the dialogue of cultures and peoples.

For the first time a team of refugees took part in the Asian Games.As reported, on the initiative of Turkmenistan, at the recent session of the UN Council on Human Rights in Geneva, “Declaration on encouragement the valuable contribution of the Olympic refugee teams to the consolidation of peace and human rights” was adopted.

This can be considered another success of the Games. "The games were held with outstanding success.And this is all thanks to the far-sightedness and attention of His Excellency the President of Turkmenistan" the media quoted the President of the Olympic Council of Asia, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, "Here, in a magnificent city, we witnessed amazing Games.

And we will take with us the best memories, "- said the head of the OCA. "On the account of Turkmenistan athletes a total of 245 awards, including 89 gold medals, 70 silver medals, 86 bronze medals.

In second place the team of China was, in the asset of which 97 medals, 42 of them are gold, 32 silver and 23 bronze.The top three prize- winners included athletes from Iran which won 118 awards, including 36 gold, 23 silver and 59 bronze medals" - China “Xinhua” News Agency reports. "Athletes from Turkmenistan on national wrestling won almost all the gold in the Asian Games - 23 medals," "MIR 24" TV channel reported.

It was noted that an Olympic complex was built in Ashgabat for the Asian Games - "a real city in the city". "Turkmenistan has become a leader in the show jumping development on Akhalteke horses.

The victory of the Turkmen athlete on the Akhalteke racehorse is the triumphant return of the "heavenly horse" to the international sports arena, "SNGToday reported. "Euronews" TV channel showed stories about Ashgabat and sportsmen.

As the heroes of the stories emphasized, the Games gave possibilities for many foreign athletes to enter the sports ground of Asia for the first time and to compete with the strongest sportsmen of the region. "The Fifth Asian indoor and martial arts games in Ashgabat are rich in records.

There is a wonderful atmosphere during the Games.Ashgabat did an excellent job, "Euronews" reports.In the materials and interviews with the participants and guests of the Games, journalists share their impressions of the capital of Turkmenistan, sports infrastructure. "Literally, an explosion of emotions occurred as soon as we stepped onto the Turkmen land, as we were in a completely unreal beauty airport," says Dmitry Mostovoi, editor-in-chief of “SPORT REVIEW” (Kazakhstan). - The Olympic town, especially at night, produces an absolutely stunning impression.

I was at competitions of this level in many countries, such as the World Cup in Brazil in 2014, the European Football Championship in France.But such conditions, created for athletes and guests, are few where available. " Tajik news agency "Avesta" spread the news about the closing ceremony of the Games "Ashgabat 2017".

According to the correspondents of the news agency, Turkmen athletes showed an outstanding result at the Games.Tasnim" news agency prepared material on the closing ceremony for the 5th Asian Games, quoting the President of the Olympic Council of Asia, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, while addressing the Turkmen leader: "Mr.

President!Congratulations on the best ever Asian indoor and martial arts games! "Competitions were held at a high level, previously not presented at the Asian Games.Tournament of medals on Turkmen national wrestling, free-style wrestling, sambo and other forms of fight was covered by journalists of the Ukrainian website wrestlingua.com, stressing that "goresh", as a national sport in Turkmenistan, received an impetus for development at the Games of "Ashgabat 2017".

The electronic newspaper prosports.kz followed the progress of the competitions, noting the triumphant victories of our athletes.Sport site sportskeeda.com followed with interest the Games of "Ashgabat 2017", noting the victories of our gold medalists and pointing to the high organization of the competitions, the work of the medical staff.

The site "Inside the Games" noting the victories of the strongest sportsmen and covered the organizational moments of the Games "Ashgabat 2017", emphasizing the scale of the event unique for the Central Asian region.

The website of the International Weightlifting Federation noted great number of our athletes' victories.The attention of reporters of electronic editions was attracted by the significant events that accompanied the Games "Ashgabat-2017".

Among them is the General Assembly of the Asian Confederation of Electronic Sports held in Ashgabat.On the website of the International Information Company "BBC" it was noted that holding of the V Asian Games in Ashgabat contributed to the development of various sports, demonstrative this year's e-Sports has received an impetus to development.

After success in the Turkmen land, this type of competition will enter the main list of disciplines at the next Asian Games, and medals won by cyber sportsmen will be accounted in the general event.

Qatar newspaper "Gulf Times" described the closing ceremony of the 5th Asian Games, noting that the competitions were organized at the highest level, and Turkmen wrestlers in "goresh" glorified Turkmenistan.

Games "Ashgabat 2017", held under the motto "Health.Inspiration.Friendship" became the event of great social and political importance, an effective contribution of the neutral Turkmenistan to the development of the international sports movement.

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